CBD Glossary
Cannabidiol (CBD) Glossary of Terms
Agricultural Hemp: Refers to varieties of the Cannabis Sativa L. plant that contains less than 0.3% THC in the dry weight material, and is grown for industrial purposes and legal for use in all 50 states and more than 40 countries.
Cannabis Sativa L: A species of plant in the Cannabis genus; refers to both agricultural hemp and marijuana, which are both sub species however different plants entirely.
Hemp: Strains of Cannabis sativa L. historically grown for fibrous materials found in stalks and seeds; contain minimal amounts of THC and low levels of CBD. Used industrially to develop items, such as clothing fiber.4The flowering portions of the hemp variety may be used to extract CBD. Cannabinoids extracted from hemp plants are considered marijuana and are classified as a Schedule I substance.
Hemp Oil / Hempseed Oil: An oil extracted from cannabis seeds by cold pressing. It contains only trace amounts of cannabinoids and terpenes, and is high in unsaturated fatty acids; used in paints and varnishes and in manufacturing soap and a wide variety of food products.
CBD Isolate /Isolate Crystalline:This is what’s left after extracting the components from the plant that don’t create a “high”, and then putting it through a crystallization process. The extracted components contain therapeutic elements, and crystallizing makes them more concentrated and pure so-to-speak. It removes the unnecessary, such as fats and lipids, as well as unwanted plant materials.
Terpenes/Terpenoids:The primary aromatic principles found in cannabis, providing the scent and flavor of the cannabis plant.
CBD-Rich (sometimes referred to as “Enriched”) Extracts:Preparations from cannabis plants that are higher in CBD than plants bred historically for recreation.
CBD Oil: An extract obtained from the flowering portions of the hemp plant, then dissolved in another oil (coconut, sesame, etc). It typically contains no THC and has no psychoactive properties.
Cannabinoids: Term used to refer to molecules that are found in the cannabis plant and/or that interact with cannabinoid receptors, as well as the derivatives, and transformation products of those molecules. They can be classified as phytocannabinoids, endocannabinoids, or synthetic cannabinoids.
Endocannabinoids: Chemicals produced by the body that target cannabinoid receptors
Synthetic Cannabinoids: Cannabinoids produced in the laboratory to structurally or functionally mimic the endocannabinoids or phytocannabinoids
Phytocannabinoids: Over 100 naturally occurring chemicals found in the cannabis plant with a chemical structure related to endocannabinoids.
- CBD: Cannabidiol, one of the major cannabinoids derived from cannabis or synthesized. CBD is under evaluation for its anticonvulsant properties, among other therapeutic uses. CBD has very low affinity at the cannabinoid receptors, type 1 (CB1) and type 2 (CB2), and is not believed to be psychoactive.
- THC:Tetrahydrocannabinol, a major phytocannabinoid derived from cannabis, is thought to be the pharmacologically most active cannabinoid of the cannabis plant, largely responsible for its psychoactive properties due to its agonist activity at CB1 receptors (behavioral, cognitive, and psychotropic effects).
CO2 Extraction: Method used to extract CBD concentrates; CO2 gas is pressurized into a a safe liquid and used to extract oils from plants with the advantage of no solvent residue.
Non-psychotoxic:Does not have a detrimental effect on the mind, personality or behavior; does not get you “high.”